Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Being a Good NeighBEAR

Trash Clean up at NeighBEAR. Photo courtesy Kirsten Brown.
  Images from the Gulf Coast oil spill of innocent sea creatures swamped in toxic tar touch the heart strings of every American. We empathize with these poor creatures whose homes have been contaminated, even destroyed—who cannot move without facing a barrage of filth.
Yet while we can claim empathy, can we go farther and claim sympathy as well? Judging from what I saw this Saturday, we most certainly can. Walking around the streets of Macon appalled me; heaps of trash were more common and burdensome than the squirrels and roaches combined! I wondered how people could care so much about the welfare of the Gulf life, without stopping to consider the welfare of their own neighbors.
But some neighbors—or should I say Neighbears—took action against the trash epidemic. Over 350 Mercer students gathered together on Saturday, September 15th, to clean the streets of Macon, Georgia. They divided and they conquered, collecting endless trash bags full of garbage.
These students did not work for pride, glory, or recognition. They worked for community, compassion, and the joy of serving others.
- Kirsten Brown

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